Monday, July 8, 2013

Not Doing Paleo Anymore...

Okay so I really didnt do very well at keeping up with this blog did I. I think the main reason was that as I have less to lose as I did in the beginning when I started at 154, the weight has been coming off far more slowly. This is to be expected it is simple basic science. I am not going to sit here and say that I have been doing everything perfect in accordance with the Paleo diet either. As I started to evaluate my situation and knowing that the weight is going to come off slower I decided to adjust exactly what "diet" I am on.

I do think the Paleo diet is a great diet for a couple reasons. It is low carb, high in protein, high in vegetables, high in healthy fats and very anti packaged foods. The reason I dont find myself following this diet long term anymore is because I don't want to eliminate foods just because in theory the hunter gatherers wouldnt have been able to prepare them. Believe it or not I am a fan of technology and that with technology we are able to make greater use of the Earths resources by our ever evolving brains and capabilities. So I am going to have dairy, corn, beans and potatoes in moderation and enjoy it...

I think back in August 2012 when I lost 15 pounds in one month, and I think I didnt realize exactly how much of that was my doing and normal body elimination and not totally thanks to the Paleo diet. If you cut carbohydrates significantly from your diet you are going to lose weight, that is just a fact. But I also exercised and I ate small portions and I ate every couple hours and drank lots of water. This last time when I tried to do Paleo I was finding the scale move slower and I was getting frustrated with "oh well I cant have this, the cavemen couldnt do it." So I would go hours without eathing because I couldnt figure out what to have and then BAM I would be very hungry and then start munching on the cookies or bag of Doritos at my dads house.

So this is where I am at right now. From about May-June I was really just maintaining the 5 pound loss I achieved. I wasn't motivated and was uninspired. I have since been re inspired by watching one of my really good friends lose weight on the Medifast diet. I personally can not fit the Medifast program into my finances but I understand its science. 5 small meals a day and a healthy lean and green at night. I have been following this on my own with a low carb plan and have been tracking my calories on the loseit ap on my iphone. I have always been using loseit but I depend on it a lot more now and am being consistent with it. Best of all it is free and its up to me. I dont get caught up in "is this paleo" anymore and this leads to far fewer headaches and eating a lot more things that I like. I dont know if its the Spaniard, French or Mexican in me but I love family dinners. I love wine and good food and there is a way to lose weight and maintain by enjoying these small pleasures in this very short life. I did it in 2009 and I am doing it again. I started this blog at 140 in March and today in July I am 132 just a few ounces away from 131. Slowly but surely I am getting to my goal of 110. Oh btw I changed my goal from 115 to 110 (my pre-pregnancy weight). It doesnt seem so much on the horizon anymore, more like the oil rigs at sea ;).

                              Here is a side by side of my 8-9 pound weight loss since March 2013.

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